DUVS Project’s ‘Safe’ UV Light May Prevent Infections In Catheters, Cardiac Drivelines

Awarded BiomedX funding in 2013, the DUVS team envisioned an ultraviolet light-based system that could selectively sterilize skin-penetrating medical devices. Since then, the project has successfully shown that a specific wavelength of UV light can be transmitted through optical fibers to kill drug-resistant bacteria, but leave skin unharmed.

The UV-based Sterilization System group is led by Dr. David J. Brenner. In mid-August, the team published their paper in PLOS ONE, detailing their study with the bacteria-killing optical technology.

“Our study suggests that far-UVC light, delivered by optical fibers that can be incorporated into skin-penetrating devices, could be used to prevent catheter-based and driveline infections.” - Dr. David J. Brenner, Columbia University Irving Medical Center news feature.