Columbia researchers are using light to address virus spreading in transportation settings

Physicist Dr. David J. Brenner originally developed a system that uses ultraviolet light to destroy bacteria and viruses in the operating room. Now his team is looking at the potential efficacy of utilizing this technology to address the spread of infectious diseases in airline cabins, hospitals, airports, and other modes of transportation.

Current FAA guidelines to hinder the spread of disease spread in airlines focus on ventilation systems and air filtration. Dr. Brenner says this isn’t enough. His team at Columbia are instead focusing on killing the viruses floating in air droplets and on surfaces. Their technology revolves around far-UVC light, which Brenner points out is much safer than traditional ultraviolet lights. The research team has already begun testing their 3 x 3 inch lights against the novel coronavirus. They recently have indicated that their light system is effective in killing less-threatening coronaviruses.

While it’s too late to inhibit the spread of Covid-19, this promising sterilization technology has potential to be implemented in the future to help prevent future disease spread.
