June 2015 Funded Projects

The Columbia-Coulter Translational Research Partnership is pleased to announce the newly funded projects from the Columbia-Coulter 2015-2016 cycle. Among our six funding recipients were teams in DiagnosticsHealth Care ITNeurology, and Rehabilitation/Robotics

Congratulations to the following recipients (Organized by specialty):

HEALTH CARE IT: "LabCards: Next generation clinical decision support software" John Wright, PhD, Steven Spitalnik, MD, and Jose Morales, PhD

NEUROLOGY: "uDBS: Noninvasive deep brain stimulation using focused ultrasound" Elisa Konofagou, PhD, Sameer Sheth, MD, PhD, and Christian Aurup

REHAB/ROBOTICS: "MyHand: An active hand orthosis for stroke patients" Matei Ciocarlie, PhD, and Joel Stein, MD

SCREENING/DIAGNOSTICS: "MicroClot: Device to rapidly assess antiplatelet drug efficacy for patients at risk for thrombosis" Sam Sia, PhD, and Thomas Diacovo, MD

SCREENING/DIAGNOSTICS: "SoleSound: A fully portable instrumented footwear for accurate gait analysis" Sunil Agrawal, PhD, Pietro Mazzoni, MD, and Damiano Zanotto, PhD

SCREENING/DIAGNOSTICS: "TEAM Helmet: The Transmitted Activity Monitoring Helmet: A real-time, objective, physiological means of diagnosing concussion as it happens" Barclay Morrison, PhD, and James Noble, MD 

The Columbia-Coulter partnership promotes, develops, and supports innovations aimed at improving patient care. The program provides mentoring, project management, and funding to promising translational projects with the goal of moving innovative technologies to clinical application through commercialization. The ultimate goal of this partnership is to develop healthcare solutions that address unmet or underserved clinical needs.

The Columbia-Coulter program is currently in the fourth cycle of grants within an overall $5 million of funding during a period of five years—two-thirds from the Foundation, one-third from Columbia—to projects with the highest chances of achieving a successful outcome, defined by the Foundation as a license of the technology to a commercial partner with the resources and expertise to bring the technology to market. The program, which focuses on the commercialization of medical devices, diagnostics, and healthcare IT, has jumpstarted the translation and development of biomedical technologies arising from engineering-clinical collaborations at Columbia. The Columbia-Coulter Translational Research partnership has now funded 23 projects over four years. 

To see previously funded projects from Cycles 1, 2, and 3, click HERE.